Food Allergy in Baby Rash | Best 10 Tips for You | A To Z

Food Allergy in Baby Rash

A baby may have an allergic reaction for a variety of reasons. When the body reacts unfavorably to a harmful substance, an allergic reaction occurs. There are a number of foods around us that can cause allergic reactions. Children 1 to 3 years of age experience food allergic reaction mostly.


If the parents have an allergic reaction to the food, it can also occur in the child. However, this is not the case in all cases. The baby’s food list should be prepared based on the food reaction. They should seek medical attention on how to gradually reduce their allergic reactions.

food allergy in baby rash

Children’s skin is very sensitive and they are more likely to develop rashes than people of other ages. It is often seen that rashes are formed due to slight burns. It is never right to think that all the rashes are due to allergies. 

[bctt tweet=”Children’s skin is very sensitive and they are more likely to develop rashes than people of other ages.” via=”no”]

What should I do if my baby has an allergic reaction?

Within two to three hours of eating, parents need to be vigilant about whether their child is showing any adverse reactions. About 8% of children in America have allergies to different types of food.

  • Please stop feeding the allergenic food to your baby
  • You should consult to your nearer pediatrician or a health care provider. 
  • If your baby faces anaphylactic reaction, please contact to your nearer hospital or clinic.

Allergic reaction may develop into anaphylaxis in case of moderate allergic reaction. Severe allergic reaction is called as anaphylaxis. In case of this situation parents should follow these steps:

  1. Do not let your babies stand or walk. 
  2. Never hold your baby upright. Lay your baby in your arms (flat position)
  3. Call 911 in case of severe allergic reaction situation of your baby
  4. In case of allergic reaction they may face breathing difficulty. At that time you should sit them up.
  5. Please lay your baby on its side in case of vomiting situation.
  6. Doctor suggests to administer epinephrine with an auto-injector to stop anaphylaxis.
  7. You can use EpiPen or AuviQ as auto injector.
  8. After first anaphylactic reaction the baby may face “biphasic” reaction. Biphasic reaction is the secondary stage allergic reaction.
  9. The parents should observe their baby very deeply. If the symptoms develop within 3-24 hours, must contact to the local clinic.
  10. If there is no scope of going to clinic apply the second dose of epinephrine from the second auto-injector.
  11. Parents should reserve two epinephrine auto-injectors if your child has allergic reaction to some foods.

[bctt tweet=”Call 911 in case of severe allergic reaction situation of your baby” via=”no”]

Best 10 Tips for You: Food Allergy in Baby Rash

Children are very sensitive. They can never tell by themselves which foods they are allergic to, and which foods they do not. Their allergies to food can be find out by parents through closely monitoring.

  1. Start with a lower level of each allergen food, slowly increase the level of feeding allergen foods.
  2. When you’re ready to introduce allergenic foods to your baby when he/she is healthy and free from other diseases
  3. Ensure the closely monitoring to your baby for at least 3.5 hours. It is because within 2-4 hours the allergenic reaction can start.
  4. Follow advice from doctor. Doctor suggests not to introduce more than one allergenic food at a time.
  5. If you put interval between introducing the new allergenic foods to your baby, you can easily identify which food is really allergic to your baby.
  6. Do not serve raw or lightly cooked shellfish
  7. Do not serve raw or lightly cooked eggs
  8. You can put interval almost 5-7 days between introducing the new allergenic foods to your baby. Doctor recommends at least 5 days.
  9. If the baby has food allergies, parents should be very careful about food selection.
  10. Parents should carry some medicines in case of allergic reaction to keep their baby safe.

food allergy in baby rash

Symptoms of Food Allergy in Baby

After feeding the food to your baby, you may observe some allergic symptoms if your baby has any allergy to any kind of food. Within a few minutes or after a couple of hours some symptoms may arise if there is allergic problem. Some symptoms are included here:

  • Flushed skin
  • Itchy skin or rash
  • Vomiting 
  • Itchy throat and tongue
  • Hives or welts
  • Diarrhea
  • Blocked nose
  • Red and itchy eyes
  • Coughing 
  • Wheezing
  • Difficulty in breathing
  • Loss of consciousness
  • Swelling of throat, tongue, or lips
  • Excessive crying

food allergy in baby rash

Diagnosis of Food Allergy in Baby Rash

An allergist (allergy specialist doctor) may suggest some tests With Mild Food Allergies. Some diagnostic tests are included here:

  • Skin Test: Within 15-20 minutes you will get the result of skin test. Through the result of this test you can understand the sensitivity to any food of your baby.
  • Blood Test: Through this test doctor checks the blood for IgE antibodies to specific foods.

[bctt tweet=”If the baby has food allergies, parents should be very careful about food selection.” via=”no”]

How to Treat Food Allergy in Baby?

It is often seen that rashes are formed due to slight burns. It is never right to think that all the rashes are due to allergies.

  • Avoid the triggers of Allergy: Please avoid the triggers of allergy like- soaps, detergents and scented lotions. These product usually irritate the skin of the baby. So chemical cleaners should not be used. It is better for parents to choose hypoallergenic products for their baby.
  • Apply hypoallergenic moisturizer: You can use hypoallergenic moisturizer after bathing of the baby. Moisturizers protect the skin from irritation.
  • Use 1-percent hydrocortisone cream: You can use hydrocortisone cream to treat skin rashes or other allergic reactions. Must take doctor’s suggestion before using it.
  • Use scratch mitts: It is generally seen that babies use their fingernails to scratch rashes. This scratches may lead to an infection. In case of this condition, you can use scratch mitts. Scratch mitts can prevent this.

food allergy in baby rash

Top 10 Allergenic Foods for Food Allergy in Baby Rash

Parents should know about the allergenic foods that may cause allergy to their babies. Here is a list of allergic foods which may cause food allergy in baby rash.

  • Cow’s milk
  • Eggs
  • Fish
  • Peanuts
  • Shellfish
  • Soy
  • Barley
  • Ray
  • Wheat
  • Walnuts or almonds

Prevention of food allergy in baby rash:

  • You should use hypoallergenic detergent to wash the baby’s clothes, and  bedding
  • Use fragrance-free shampoo, soap and lotions
  • Vacuuming Formula

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